C&C Power offers Free Standing Maintenance Bypass Breaker Cabinets (MBBC) available in multiple configurations. The 90817 UPS Maintenance Bypass allows the end-user to safely isolate the UPS from utility power and from the load while performing regular service and maintenance. At the same time, maintaining power to your critical load is essential in this process. This bypass cabinet is an excellent solution to pair with a 1MW UPS system.
These free-standing bypass panels are only available in a high 65K AIC rating for 480VAC applications. The 90817 Series MBBC contains three Cutler-Hammer Series Circuit breakers up to 2500 amperage. A Kirk Key interlock system protects the breakers. In addition, an SKRU (solenoid key release) option is available for added security.
NEW to this product in security features is the Automatic Bypass interface. This touchscreen logic enhances the safety of the critical load while giving remote access to the system.
Each cabinet is 92 inches wide welded with heavy-gauge steel construction and has double-hinged locking front doors. Available in black (MT) color. It comes fully assembled and tested from the factory. C&C Power warehouses all maintenance bypass options, therefore, making your lead-time the quickest in the industry. Lead-times for the 90817 UPS Maintenance Bypass ranges from four to five weeks delivery after receipt of order.
Approx. 30 Weeks ARO