C&C Power
C&C Power Maintenance and Service

Telecom Maintenance, Installations and Replacements

Critical power equipment such as telecommunication systems need routine maintenance inspections to ensure all components are operating at full capacity. C&C Power provides maintenance and replacement services for power distribution panels for the telecommunication industry.

We can service all telecom solutions from: high-efficiency rectifiers, distribution panels, and DC power systems. When C&C Power certified technicians perform dc power systems, inverter and rectifier maintenance, all system components are analyzed for potential issues.

Data Center

DC Power System, Inverters and Distribution Maintenance:

  • Alarm history and system logs
  • Cooling Fans
  • Check and tighten terminal connections
  • Verify proper float voltage
  • Measure input / output voltage and calibration
  • Thermographic Scan
  • Check for Faulty sensors
  • Check for Blown fuses
  • Check for failed rectifiers / inverters

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